Landscape photo of the Ralph Prator Fountain.
Photo by Patricia Carrillo.

The Fall semester is only days away, with Friday-Saturday and Saturday-only classes beginning Aug. 22 and weekday classes beginning Aug. 24. 

Here are some important dates you’ll need to know to stay on top of your online learning this semester:

Aug. 14: Fall 2020 financial aid balance checks will be mailed or deposited by eRefund, starting approximately Aug. 12 and then weekly thereafter.

Aug. 23: Nonrestrictive registration ends.

Aug. 24: Late registration and schedule adjustment begin. Students may continue to adjust their academic schedules via online self-service registration through Sept. 18.

Aug. 26-30: Wait-listing classes continues. Permission is not required to add classes (except for restricted classes).

Aug. 31: Permission is required to add ALL classes. Wait-listing is not available.

Sept. 5-7: Labor Day holiday weekend — campus closed on Sept. 7; no classes in session Sept. 5-7.

Sept. 18: Last day to add, drop or change grading basis (CR/NC) using online, self-service registration. Self-service registration ends at 5:45 pm. After that, formal approval is required to adjust your schedule.

Oct. 1: The 2021-22 Federal Student Aid and the California Dream Act application period begins.

Nov. 11: Veterans Day holiday — campus closed; no classes in session.

Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving holiday — campus closed; no classes in session. Classes also will not be in session Nov. 28-29.

Dec. 8: Last day of formal instruction.

Dec. 9-15: Final exams.

Dec. 21: Instructors’ grades due. Grades can be accessed on myNorthridge Portal beginning Dec. 9, updated nightly thereafter.

Feb. 19, 2021:  Last day to submit documents for Fall 2020 graduation.

For more information and other dates, please check the Student Academic Calendar or the Student Registration Calendar.

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