The work of CSUN faculty and staff members is recognized in a variety of ways, including:
- Funding from outside organizations to support unique programs and cutting-edge research facilitated on campus.
- Publications of books or articles.
- Professional awards.
- Presentations at conferences.
- Appointments and elections to governing boards.
Please use this link to announce your achievements for publication in CSUN Today.
Below is a list of the individuals whose work was recognized during the summer and through August 2020.
Andrew P. Weiss, Ahmed Alwan and Julieta Garcia (CSUN Library) and Eric P. Garcia (Educational Psychology and Counseling) published an article titled “Surveying Fake News: Assessing University Faculty’s Fragmented Definition of Fake News and Its Impact on Teaching Critical Thinking” in the International Journal for Educational Integrity.
Research and Sponsored Projects
Ravinder Abrol (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $145,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “Probing the Structural Basis of Innate G Protein Specificity in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling.”
Mads Peter Andersen (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $60,146 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project titled “RUI: Far Ultra-Violet (172 nm) Photolysis of Gaseous Anthropogenic Pollutants.”
Annette Besnilian (Family and Consumer Sciences) and David Boyns (Sociology) received $121,667 from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, in support of a project titled “Champions for Change: Healthy Communities Initiative.” She also received $8,000 from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, in support of a project titled “HEALERS (Healthy Eating + Active Living to Enable Regenerative Sustainability).”
Annette Besnilian (Family and Consumer Sciences) and Merav Efrat (Health Sciences) received $250,000 from the US Department of Agriculture, in support of a project titled “Pathways to Success for Hispanic Students as Registered Dietitians.”
Danielle Bram (Geography) received $43,816 from California State University, San Bernardino, in support of a project titled “Developing a Standardized Statewide Geospatial Dataset of Water Agencies for California.” She also received $62,000 from CSU Chico, in support of a project titled “California Broadband Field Testing.”
Danielle Bram and Regan Maas (Geography) received $43,816 from California State University, San Bernardino, in support of a project titled “DACIP Task Order 3 – Ventura,” and $397,000 from the CA Department of Water Resources, in support of a project entitled “NHD/WBD Statewide Update Project 2.0.”
Gary Chapman and Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics and Astronomy) received $79,899 from NASA, in support of a project titled “Comparing Spacecraft TSI and SSI with Proxies from Space- and Ground-Based Images.”
Gabriela Chavira (Psychology), Carrie Saetermoe (Psychology), Crist Khachikian(Civil Engineering and Construction Management) and Patchareeya Kwan (Health Sciences) received $4,607,794 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “BUILD II.”
Mariano Loza Coll (Biology) received $145,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled “Genetic Co-Regulation by Master Transcription Factors in Drosophila Intestinal Stem Cell Saribbean Octocorals.”
Rafi Efrat (Accounting and Information Systems) received $649,559 from the United States Department of Education (USDE), in support of a project titled “Developing California’s Workforce: Creating Pathways for Latino Transfer Students in High Demand Careers.”
Michael Eller (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $65,000 from Intel Corporation, in support of a project titled “Nano-scale molecular analysis of materials for Intel.”
Eileen Evans (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $56,230 from the US Geological Survey, in support of a project titled “Geodesy-Based Modeling to Inform the National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) of the USGS.”
Joyce Feucht-Haviar (Tseng College) received $24,000 from the City of Los Angeles, in support of a project titled “ReLAY Institute.”
Gilberto Flores (Biology) received $346,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “Mechanisms and Consequences of Human Milk Oligosaccharide Growth and Bile Stress Across Diverse Strains of the Potential Therapeutic Bacterium, Akkermansia Muciniphila.”
Kim Goldberg-Roth (Educational Psychology and Counseling) received two donations from the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services: $500,000 in support of a project titled “Family Preservation – San Fernando Valley,” and $310,200 in support of a project entitled “Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) – San Fernando Valley.” Goldberg-Roth also received $130,000 from the Caliornia Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, in support of a project titled “California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program;” $87,434 from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), in support of a project titled “Sexual Assault Response Team (XS) Program;” $52,500 from the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, in support of a project titled “Emergency COVID 19 Victim Services Response – CO Program;” $23,679 from the Children’s Advocacy Centers of California, in support of a project titled “2020 Pandemic (CO) Program;” and $10,000 from the LA County of Board of Supervisors, in support of a project titled “Third District Discretionary Funding.”
Ray Hong (Biology) received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “The Mode-of-Action for Pheromone-Induced Paralysis in Pristionchus Pacificus.”Timothy Karels (Biology) received $2,500 from the Western North American Naturalist, in support of a project titled “Post-Fire Recolonization of Woodrats (Neotoma Macrotis) in Southern California.”
Jonathan Kelber (Biology), Maria De Bellard (Biology), Daniel Tamae (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and David Bermudes (Biology) received $5,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “California State University – Interdisciplinary Cancer Meeting (CSU-ICM).”
Luciana Lagaña (Psychology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “A Preliminary Model of Physical Pain Among Community-Dwelling Multiethnic Older Women.”
Clement Lai (Asian American Studies) received $100,000 from the CSU Entertainment Alliance, in support of a project titled “Pioneering Asian American Representations in Media and Entertainment: Wong Fu Production and Angry Asian Man.”
Julian Lozos (Geological Sciences) received $27,000 from the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), in support of a project titled “SCEC5 Year 4 USGS Research Collaboration at California State University, Northridge.”
Gang Lu (Physics and Astronomy) received two donations from the National Science Foundation: $691,250 in support of a project titled “PREM: Partnership between CSUN and Princeton for Quantum Materials” and $659,550 in support of a project titled “Unraveling Exciton Dynamics in Van der Waals Heterostructures for Optoelectronic and Photonic Applications.”
Ariel Malka (Management) received $100,000 from the City of Los Angeles, in support of a project titled “L.A. City Gang Injunction Settlement Evaluation.”
Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) received $14,989 from The Trustees of Colombia University in the City of New York, in support of a project titled “U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program.”
Nathan Martin (Recreation and Tourism Management) received $40,000 from the California Division of Boating and Waterways, in support of a project titled “Aquatic Center Grant FY 2019-20.”
Thomas Minehan (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $330,662 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project titled “RUI: Exploring Shape-Selective Binding of the DNA Major Groove by Haiprin Bis (Siarylmethylene) Hydrazides.”
Ignacio Osorno (Electrical and Computer Engineering) received $45,393 from Aerojet Rocketdyne, in support of a project entitled “Development of Internship Honors Co-Op Program.”
Miroslav Peric (Physics and Astronomy) received $265,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project titled “RUI: Bimolecular Collisions in Ionic Liquid.”
Bethany Rainisch (Health Sciences) received $253, 044 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA, in support of a project titled “Collaborative Research: Pattern and Process in the Abundance and Recruitment of Caribbean Octocorals.”
S.K. Ramesh (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Robert Ryan (Mechanical Engineering) received $1,199, 471 from the US Department of Education, in support of a project titled “Bridging the Gap: Enhancing AIMS2 for Student Success.”
Shelley Ruelas-Bischoff (Student Affairs), Nelida Duran (Family and Consumer Sciences) and Mirna Sawyer (Health Sciences) received $185,016 from California State University, Chico, in support of a project entitled “CalFresh Healthy Living on Campus.”
Cristian Ruiz-Rueda (Biology) received $232,013 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project titled “RUI: Unraveling the physiological roles of multidrug efflux pumps in bacteria.”
Jacklyn Stallcup (College of Humanities) received $89,640 from the University of Maryland, in support of a project titled “STARTALK CSUN Russian Language and Cultural Immersion Program.”
Jessica Vey (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $105,150 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project titled “Mechanistic Studies to Enable Rational Design of Isobutylamine N-hydroxylase.”
Ivor Weiner (Special Education) received $14,165.64 from the California Family Resource Association (CFRA), in support of a project titled “Project Diaper.”
Li Ye (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Virginia Oberholzer Vandergon (Biology), Brian Foley (Secondary Education) and Matthew d’Alessio (Geological Sciences) received $88,388 from the University of California, in support of a project titled “San Fernando Valley Science Project One Time Allotment.”
Jeremy Yoder (Biology) received $436,696 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project titled “RoL, Collaborative Research, RUI: Understanding the Ecological and Genomic Bases of Local Adaptation in an Obligate Pollination Mutualism.”
MariaElena Zavala (Biology) received $229,981 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, in support of a project titled “MARC U-STAR at CSUN: Preparing Scientists Holistically.” Zavala also received $27,303 from the American Society for Cell Biology, in support of a project titled “Improving Diversity and Career Transitions through Society Support.”
MariaElena Zavala, Ray Hong and Cheryl Hogue (Biology) received $255,248 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, in support of a project titled “Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program at CSUN.”
Xu Zhang (Physics and Astronomy) received $55,000 from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, in support of a project titled “Tuning Interfacial Excitonic Binding in Twisted Two-Dimensional MoS2 Bilayers.”
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