The beginning of the spring semester is coming up soon! Friday-Saturday and Saturday-only classes begin Jan. 21. Sunday-only classes begin Jan. 22. Weekday classes begin Jan. 23. Friday-only classes begin Jan. 27.

Important dates for spring 2023:

Jan. 22, 2023Last day for nonrestrictive registration.

Jan. 23Late registration and schedule adjustment begin.

Jan. 29Last day to wait-list for closed classes.

Jan. 30Permission required to add classes, starting Jan. 30.

Feb. 10Last day to be eligible for a partial withdrawal refund.

Feb. 17Last day to drop or swap classes or change grading basis online. Formal approval is required hereafter. Class schedules are considered official by the end of the fourth week.

Feb. 20 —  The fifth week of classes begins. Requests to withdraw or change grading basis after the fourth week are considered only for serious or compelling reasons.

March 3Last day to apply for spring or summer 2023 graduation and have your name published in the commencement program.

March 31 — César Chávez Day holiday — no instruction.

April 21Last day to add online classes with instructor’s permission.

May 6-7Last weekend classes.

May 12 Last day of formal instruction.

May 13-19Final exams week.

May 19-22 Commencement ceremonies.

May 25Last day of spring semester.

May 29 — Memorial Day holiday observed — campus offices are closed.

July 28Last day to file documents for spring 2023 graduation.

For more information, please check the Student Academic Calendar or the registration calendar.

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