The General Election is coming up on Nov. 5. and for many Matadors, this will be their first time voting. A presidential election is an especially exciting contest — and this year, Californians will also vote for a new U.S. Senator, members of the House of Representatives, the state senate and state assembly. There are 10 statewide ballot measures and numerous local elections as well.
If voting sounds daunting, it doesn’t have to be! Read on for some tips on how to get started and campus resources to help you get the job done. The Chair of the Department of Political Science, Keiko Hirata, notes that every vote matters.
“Voting this November is crucial, as the choices we make today will have lasting impacts on our communities, country, and the world,” she said. “By participating, you are not only standing up for your beliefs, but also helping uphold democratic institutions that are critical to our nation’s future.”
Getting Started
The California Secretary of State’s website is a primary source of election information. Your home county Registrar of Voters website is also a good source of information. A good place to start researching is the Official Voter Information Guide.
On campus, CSUN’s Act Now (CAN) organization sponsors a variety of events to inform voters and promote civic and democratic engagement. Yi Ding is the team lead for the group that’s goal is to ensure young voices and their communities are heard.
“Gen Z voters make up nearly one-fifth of the electorate and can be a deciding factor [in campaigns’ outcomes],” she said. “If issues like minimum wage, affordable housing, or equal marriage, which are on this year’s California ballot, matter to you, please get out to vote and/or spread the word!”
Voter Registration
- Register to vote (or make sure you’re registered!) The last day to register to vote in California is Monday, Oct. 21 for the Nov. 5, 2024 General Election. To register to vote in California, there are some requirements, including 1. You must be 18 years or older on Election Day. 2. You must be a U.S. citizen. and a resident of California. (If you’re 16 or 17, you can pre-register online.)
- Oops, I missed the registration deadline: There’s still a way! In California, it’s called conditional voter registration.
The Ballot
- All registered, active voters in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot starting in early October. Vote-by-mail ballots can be returned by mail, at a drop-off location, or at your county elections office.
- Want to vote in person? The Voter’s Choice Act allows counties to set up voting centers to vote early or on Election Day. These voting sites (including one on campus!) will open Oct. 26. Pro tip: bring your ID just in case.
- On campus, there’s a ballot box at Redwood Hall. For early and in-person voting, CSUN’s Voting Center will open on Oct. 26 at Redwood Hall.
- Where’s My Ballot? You can sign up to track your ballot from when it’s mailed to you, to when it’s received and counted.
A Final Word: If you don’t want to vote in a particular race or proposition — you don’t have to! You are allowed to leave sections on your ballot blank. Your ballot will still be counted. And don’t forget to wear your “I Voted” sticker when you finish the job– you’ve earned it!
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