Strength United Executive Director Merilla Scott, and CSUN President Erika D. Beck look on as Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-Pacoima) signs a ceremonial check at Strength United headquarters in Van Nuys, Oct. 8, 2024. (Ringo Chiu / CSUN)

Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-Pacoima) addresses the crowd gathered for the check presentation event, Oct. 8, 2024. (Ringo Chiu / CSUN)

Celebrating the work of Strength United, from left to right: CSUN Associate Vice President for Government and Community Relations Shefali Mistry, Strength United Executive Director Merilla Scott, Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-Pacoima) and Shari Tarver Behring, dean of the Michael D. Eisner College of Education. (Ringo Chiu / CSUN)

On Oct. 8, Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-Pacoima) presented a check for $963,000 in federal funding to CSUN’s Strength United, a nonprofit that works to aid individuals affected by violence and trauma, with a focus on sexual assault, domestic abuse and child maltreatment.  

Cárdenas, who is retiring from Congress at the end of this term, presented the check to Strength United Executive Director Merilla Scott and CSUN President Erika D. Beck at the nonprofit’s Family Justice Center in Van Nuys. 

Beck thanked Cárdenas for his years of support to Strength United and said the money would help bridge a gap between victims of domestic violence and law enforcement, and create a coordinated system of care. 

“CSUN has the opportunity but also the responsibility to ensure that we support the well-being and the strength of our communities,” Beck said. “We are incredibly proud of the work that’s being accomplished here at the Family Justice Center.” 

Strength United provides healing services to CSUN students, faculty and staff, as well as residents of the surrounding Valley communities. It also serves as a training ground for CSUN students studying social work and marriage and family therapy. Cárdenas thanked staff members and volunteers who gathered for the event for their ongoing efforts to help those in need. 

“What you do is restore lives,” Cárdenas said. “You bring people back together, you help restore them and you do it in such a dignified way.” 

The Family Justice Center is a partnership with Strength United, Dignity Health and the Los Angeles Police Department. Strength United is a chartered center of CSUN’s Michael D. Eisner College of Education, committed to ending the cycle of interpersonal violence and abuse. 

Scott notes that the organization’s mission is “transforming trauma and violence into empowerment, advancing systemic healing, and developing leaders for lasting change.” She said the funds will support the organization’s domestic violence, community policing and advocacy projects. 

“We’re an organization that’s rooted in providing services and being dedicated to supporting survivors,” Scott said. 

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