College can be a very stressful time for many students, and taking care of their mental health is crucial for them to effectively learn. Luckily, CSUN students can go to the Oasis Wellness Center to help relieve some of their stress.
The Oasis Wellness Center, located in the University Student Union, was established in 2015 after CSUN staff and a National College Health Association survey noted that students’ academic performances are negatively affected by sleep deprivation, high-risk behaviors, stress and anxiety.The center would serve as a focal point to help with students’ mental health issues.
“As human beings, as we get more stressed out, we should participate in something that brings us joy,” said the Oasis Wellness Center manager, Condor.
The Oasis Wellness Center, which is funded by student fees, has many resources for students to help with sleep deprivation, stress and anxiety. These resources include nap pods, massage chairs, best-selling wellness digital books and wellness apps through iPads that can be rented. The space also includes a labyrinth, which is a circular pathway for walking meditation, as well as a fireplace and zen gardens used as meditation spots. Some resources, such as the message chairs, require an appointment. Additionally, the Oasis hosts events, such as a new student-led essential oil workshop, where students can make and keep different kinds of essential oil mixes designed to help relieve stress or promote energy.
For additional information, email oasis@csun.edu.

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