Media Contact: Melissa Esparza, Melissa.Esparza@mail.house.gov, (818) 658-0319 or Javier Rojas, javier.rojas@csun.edu, (818) 677-2130
WHAT: On Tuesday, October 8, Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) will present a check for $963,000 in Community Project Funding to StrengthUnited, a nonprofit organization committed to providing trauma-informed mental health services to survivors of domestic violence. This funding will support the Domestic Violence Community Policing and Advocacy Project, an initiative that will enhance law enforcement’s investigational capacity, expand advocacy services, and provide education on trauma-responsive care and strangulation crimes.
Domestic violence continues to impact countless families in the San Fernando Valley and across the country. StrengthUnited provides trauma-informed services to California State University, Northridge students, faculty, staff and surrounding communities. They are dedicated to ending abuse, empowering families, and developing leaders through specific case programs, counseling, advocacy, and prevention. StrengthUnited’s Family Justice Center allows them to partner with different public and private agencies such as law enforcement, forensic evaluations and legal services to effectively serve the community.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: StrengthUnited – 14651 Oxnard St., Van Nuys, CA 91411
WHO: Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29)
Dr. Merilla Scott, Executive Director, Strength United
Dr. Erika Beck, President, California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
VISUAL: Check presentation, and check signing
RSVP: To RSVP, please email melissa.esparza@mail.house.gov and cardenas.press@mail.house.gov.
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